Bent u klaar voor: “End of Mainstream Support for OutSystems Platform 10”?
OutSystems zal na 31 mei 2020 geen mainstream support meer leveren op OutSystems Platform 10. Indien uw bedrijf nog gebruik maakt van OutSystems 10 is het verstandig om nu in actie te komen, ook als uw platform on-premise draait. Graag helpen wij met een assessment om inzicht te verkrijgen van de risico’s en de impact indien u niet ingrijpt. Onze OutSystems consultants hebben ervaring met upgrades van OutSystems en kunnen samen met u een upgradeplan opstellen en eventueel helpen bij het upgraden. Wilt u meer weten? Neem dan geheel vrijblijvend contact op met Ronald Barrow van ADA ICT:
Kijk op OutSystems site voor meer informatie.
What is happening?
OutSystems continually delivers new capabilities to help customers innovate and differentiate, building enterprise-grade apps that adapt as fast as business demands. To focus our engineering resources on those innovative capabilities, we establish a cut-off date to end support for older versions. These cut-off dates are typically two to three years after the launch of a major version. The end of mainstream support for OutSystems 10 will happen on May 31, 2020.
Why is this important?
Upgrading customers are less likely to leave and more likely to expand. Customers who use updated versions make their renewal and expansion decisions based on the latest software capabilities. Also, our R&D team can focus on developing new versions of OutSystems, along with the development and maintenance of our most used versions, rather than keeping much older versions. Finally, the discontinuation allows our customer support team to fully focus on supporting only the latest product version.
What’s our communication plan?
A general announcement for all affected customers will occur on November 29. After the first communication, we will issue a three-month notice (February 28) and a final notice (May 31) to all partners and affected customers.
What are the impacts on customers?
OutSystems technical support team will continue to help customers with a current subscription when they submit support requests. We will respond according to the contracted support and the severity level. Yet, if a bug is the problem, technical support’s response will not include a bug fix. In this scenario, the response will only include advice and workarounds. To avoid this situation, we recommend that upgrades happen before the scheduled end of mainstream support.
For customers on the OutSystems cloud, a timely upgrade is mandatory.
OutSystems will schedule compulsory upgrades of the OutSystems cloud environments still running on version 10 after May 31st. We will notify customers of the update schedule 30 days in advance. The upgrade schedule will detail the timeline for the upgrade of all the non-production environments and the upgrade of the databases.
To minimize the impact on their software development activities, we recommend customers to anticipate the upgrade schedule to convenient dates.
A small number of customers are running the OutSystems platform on Java, or using MySQL as their platform database, and will have a specific support plan. Check OutSystems 10 support calendar for Java and OutSystems 10 support calendar for MySQL for more information.
Who upgrades the affected environments?
The upgrade responsibility depends on the type of installation.
Customers with on-premises installations are responsible for the upgrade process. OutSystems can provide upgrade services (at a cost) if the customer wishes to have individualized assistance from our OutSystems services team. You may request details on the upgrade services offering and how OutSystems can assist you from your channel manager. Outsystems on-premises customers can find more information on how to upgrade on-premises OutSystems Platform on our knowledge base.
OutSystems Cloud (PaaS)
After carefully reviewing our knowledge base documentation, customers should contact our support team to schedule an upgrade before May 31st, 2020. Our technical support team upgrades the infrastructure and platform; however, there are additional upgrade activities that the customer is responsible for.
Hybrid Deployments
Customers with a hybrid deployment model that combines on-premises and PaaS environments, should note that the PaaS instance of OutSystems Platform will be scheduled for upgrade before the End of Mainstream Support takes effect. Therefore, they are advised to contact our support team, before May 31st, to coordinate the upgrade of the on-premises and cloud environments at the same time. More information can be found in our knowledge base about the upgrade process on cloud and on-premise environments.
What do you need to do?
For now, nothing. All customers will be informed on Nov 29 2019, and our operations team will schedule compulsory upgrades with OutSystems cloud customers after May 31st. Nevertheless, if you’re engaging customers who are using OutSystems 10, you should raise customers’ awareness of the upgrade process, to help them plan their upgrades timely, and minimize the impact on its application development plans.